PETANG MEGANG with a ritual bath to cleanse themselves by society in order to welcome Pekanbaru Cityarrival of the holy month of Ramadan. Evening ritual was centered on the bank holdingSiak River and carried out in the evening one day before Ramadan
PETANG MEGANG with a ritual bath to cleanse themselves by society in order to welcome Pekanbaru Cityarrival of the holy month of Ramadan. Evening ritual was centered on the bank holdingSiak River and carried out in the evening one day before Ramadan
PETANG MEGANG with a ritual bath to cleanse themselves by society in order to welcome Pekanbaru Cityarrival of the holy month of Ramadan. Evening ritual was centered on the bank holdingSiak River and carried out in the evening one day before Ramadan
9 komentar:
is there someone who jumped into the river from the bridge? :P
belimau kasai he he he he he puasa pertama semangaaat
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa ...
mantabbbb bang... enggelnye pun bagus2... foto sendiri ke ?
Keren fotonya kang..
Kapan neh bang...?
wahh ramai banget
jadi pingin ikutan hahhaha
Keren picnya mas
Wah meriah sekali ya acaranya. Jadi pengin lihat langsung sambil nengok adik di Pakanbaru.
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